Neuer Wall 80 20354 Hamburg
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Law Firm for Medical Law

External Legal Department

Image of Dr. Juliane Winter

Every healthcare provider faces a multitude of medical law challenges on a daily basis.

An external legal department offers a wide range of legal advisory services to medium-sized medical and dental practices.

This includes:

  • Support with regulatory matters
  • Drafting and reviewing contracts
  • Compliance consulting
  • Dispute resolution and court representation

The external legal department works closely with the healthcare organization to understand its unique legal needs and to provide solutions tailored to its specific goals and requirements.


  • Cost Control and Efficiency
    Maintaining an in-house legal department can incur significant costs, including salaries, social contributions, training, and infrastructure. By partnering with an external legal department, companies can better manage their costs, paying only for the services they actually need. External law firms offer flexibility in billing, whether through flat fees, hourly rates, or project-based billing.
  • Access to Expertise
    Medical legal matters can be extremely complex, requiring a deep understanding of regulations and the industry. Juliane Winter possesses extensive expertise in medical law, enabling healthcare organizations to benefit from tailored advice and solutions.
  • Flexibility and Scalability
    The demands on a legal department can vary depending on the project, growth, or legal challenges. An external legal department allows companies to respond flexibly to their needs.

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