Neuer Wall 80 20354 Hamburg
Contact address
Fax +49 (40) 605 901 93-8

Law Firm for Medical Law

Clipboard and stethoscope on the desk

Nationwide consulting from Hamburg's city center for doctors, dentists, and medical care centers (MVZ).

  • Physicians
  • Dentists
  • Medical Care Centers (MVZ)
  • Municipalities and Hospitals
  • Billing Companies
  • Professional Liability Insurances
  • Service Companies
  • Private Health Insurance Policyholders
  • Dialysis Facilities
Medizin Legal Tag cloud

Areas of Practice

Physician Symbol

Contract Medical Law

Teeth Symbol

Dental Liability Law

Contract Symbol

Contract Law for Healthcare Professionals

Code of Laws Symbol

Professional Law

Paragraph Symbol

Claims Management for Healthcare Professionals

Insurance Symbol

External Legal Department

Dr. Juliane Winter


Dr. Juliane Winter stands out for her more than 20 years of experience in medical law and her dedicated commitment to the interests of her clients. With her extensive experience and broad knowledge in medical law, she is able to offer her clients comprehensive and individualized advice within the broader medical law context. She primarily advises doctors, dentists, and medical care centers on all legal matters related to their practices. In medical liability law, she exclusively represents dentists and doctors.

Image of Dr. Juliane Winter

´Knowing and understanding clients very well makes all the difference.´



Founding of the Law Firm Logo


In-house counsel in a healthcare company

since 2006

Specialist lawyer for medical law

since 2005

Attorney specializing in medical law


Doctorate at the Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Europe


In-house counsel in a healthcare company

Memberships & Selected Publications (Selection)

  • Member of the Medical Law Committee of the Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg
  • Member of the German Society for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Law e.V.
  • Member of the Medical Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
  • Member of the Law Clinic of Bucerius Law School in collaboration with the Diakonie Hamburg, in 2014

  • "Legal Foundations of Nutritional Medicine," Akademie Dampsoft, 2021
  • "Patient Between Safety and Freedom, Medical Legal Foundations," Davit, IT Law Conference, 2019
  • "Informed Consent and Documentation in Implantology," ECDI 2014
  • "Practice Handover and Transfer," Spring Conference New Group, 2013
  • "The Program-Responsible Physician," Spring Conference of the ARGE Medical Law, 2011
  • "The Establishment of a Medical Care Center," J&J 2006
  • "Statutory Health Insurance Physician Law," in: Richter, Berchtold (eds.), "Processes in Social Matters," 1st Edition, 2006
  • "The Minimum Home Construction Regulation," Das Altenheim 2005
  • "The Design of Planning and Funding Competence according to SGB XI," Dissertation, 2004



  • Do you want to establish a Medical Care Center as a physician, dentist, municipality, or hospital and need legal support for the applications and necessary contracts?
  • Do you need support in your legal department, e.g., for filling vacant physician positions or in appealing against a recourse decision?
  • Are you planning to buy or sell a practice, an MVZ, or a share in a company?
  • Do you want to hire a potential successor and need an employment permit?
  • Do you want to utilize the complete practice infrastructure of a service provider and wonder if this is permissible in its current form?


  • Do you want to defend yourself as a dentist or professional liability insurer against liability claims?
  • Do you want to enforce medical or dental fees against a patient in court?
  • Has the Admissions Committee approved another candidate during a succession process, and you want to file an appeal with the Appeals Committee?
  • Has a patient reported a data protection violation, and you need to submit a statement to the Data Protection Authority or the Medical Association?
  • Has the Medical Association initiated disciplinary proceedings, and do you need support?


  • Do you want to become a medical director and need help reviewing the proposed employment contract?
  • Do you want to collaborate with a colleague and have the partnership agreement reviewed?
  • Do you want to sign a contract for a technical device and have it reviewed?


Contact me for a non-binding consultation via phone, email, or using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

I will first clarify with you whether my firm is the right fit for your needs. Only then will a client relationship be established through a corresponding agreement.

Dr. Juliane Winter in conversation


A fair and transparent fee structure is an essential part of a trusting client relationship. I am happy to answer your questions about my fees here.

Hourly Fee

If you agree on an hourly fee with me, my remuneration is based solely on the time spent. I will inform you of my hourly rate before the start of the work. I record the time spent in 6-minute units. Billing usually takes place monthly and includes a detailed breakdown of all activities performed for you.

Fees According to the Remuneration Act

If I represent you in court, I am legally required to charge at least the fees specified by the German Attorney Remuneration Act (RVG). These are based on the value of the matter in dispute and the legally established fee rates. Generally, you can also agree on this type of remuneration with me in other cases, provided a certain minimum value is given and the effort for me is estimable.

Flat Fee

Flat fees offer the client certainty in capping legal costs. However, the agreement of a fixed price requires that the effort for me can be determined in advance. This may be possible for certain tasks (e.g., drafting a contract, etc.) or for specific, delimited activities (e.g., applications to the Admissions Committee). Often, an estimate of the effort for an hourly fee may be possible as an alternative to a fixed price.

Dr. Juliane Winter Portrait Photo

Contact for Non-Binding Client Inquiries

Neuer Wall 80
20354 Hamburg
+49 (40) 605 901 93-0
Contact address

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